#21 – World’s Tallest Snowman Interview and Dawson’s Creek Prank

We interview a guy named Chris Brake from Canada who builds giant snowmen and do some Dawson’s Creek prank phone calls.

Chris Brake builds a giant snowmen every year where he lives in New Brunswick, Canada. The snowmen range from 20 to 30 feet tall. Chris uses windows for eyeballs, and a traffic cone for a nose. Every year the snowmen have the same name: Gerby. We talk to Chris Brake about his latest Gerby snowman that he’s building for 2014.

Chris Brake's monster snowman, Gerby

Photo: Kate Braydon/Telegraph-Journal

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5 Minutes in Capeside

We do a bunch of prank calls to the salon that was used as the location for “Screenplay Video” in Dawson’s Creek, asking to talk to Pacey. Hilarity ensues, and we also review Dawson’s Creek season 1, episode 2 “Dance” and pry into the psychology of the Creek and why Dawson’s family has four pairs of boots sitting by the door, when there are only three people living in the house.

Who Peed in the Goose?

Ceramic Goose

Who peed in the Chris Brake Show’s goose?

Would you put your wiener in this? Somebody did, and filled it up with urine. John explains why he believes it was not he who did the goose-peeing. But if it wasn’t John, then who did it?

6 thoughts on “#21 – World’s Tallest Snowman Interview and Dawson’s Creek Prank

      • I know, I’d probably quit after day two.

        Chris Brake said that sometimes kids would take baseball bats and beat the crap out of the giant Gerby snowman sometimes after Chris would go home at night.

        So having to come back the next day and find that some punks destroyed big chunks out of your giant snowman overnight, and having to re-do half the work you put into it all day the day before…. yeah I don’t think I could do that, man.



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