Dawson’s Creek Trivia Challenge vs Secret Lover; David Allee | CB045

Dawson’s Creek Trivia Challenge: Secret Lover vs Chris Brake Show. Plus author David Allee on Walking the Whores’ Path.

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#45 - Dawson's Creek Trivia Challenge vs Secret Lover; David Allee

LaToya Ferguson and Lenny Burnham from the Secret Lover podcast join us for the Dawson’s Creek Trivia Challenge to see who is the bigger Dawson’s Creek fan: LaToya Ferguson or Chris Brake. The stakes are high and the challenge is tough. Who will win the Dawson’s Creek Trivia Challenge?

And we talk to author David Allee about his newest blog post Walking the Whores’ Path.

3 thoughts on “Dawson’s Creek Trivia Challenge vs Secret Lover; David Allee | CB045

  1. Never really watched Dawson’s Creek, but enjoyed this episode nonetheless. Didn’t feel like two and a half hours, either (not that I’m necessarily averse to long podcasts). Having listened to a bit of the Secret Lover podcast it’s obvious that you were never going to win the DC quiz. Good effort, mind – I probably could have answered three of those questions at a stretch; not necessarily correctly, but still…


    • Thanks for hanging in there for the long haul with our special 2-hour Dawson’s Creek Trivia Challenge!

      LaToya and Lenny from the Secret Lover podcast are BEASTS when it comes to television trivia. You should challenge them to a music trivia contest!



  2. I’d be up for something like that, definitely. Dunno if I’d do all that well, but I love a good quiz (especially if there’s beer) and I’m sure Good Teeth would be on-board with the idea, too. Two things, though – 1) How do we throw down the gauntlet to SL (I’ve only got an RSS feed for their podcasts)?, and 2) Who would be quizmaster?


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