Merry Holidays Maya Maloff, Rich Barker, David Allee, Dawson’s Creek

Merry Christmas Maya Maloff, Rich Barker, David Allee, Dawson's Creek

Merry Holidays Maya Maloff, Rich Barker, David Allee, Dawson’s Creek

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Merry holidays! This episode is jam packed with excellence. Spitfire Sarah tells us about her recent sensory deprivation chamber experience, we tackle “Promicide” in 5 Minutes in Capeside, we play some messages from Maya Maloff that we have never played on the show before, we talk to Rich Barker about puking in mosh pits, and author David P. Allee tells us about his new book the Prophecy of Cheria and story about flu shots.

Spitfire Sarah’s sensory deprivation trip

Sarah went and floated in a sensory deprivation chamber on the north side of Indianapolis, and she tells us what it was like seeing crazy lines and colors inside the tank. Chris tries to find some sensory deprivation porn, but comes up empty-handed.

5 Minutes in Capeside

We read a scene from the “Promicide” episode of Dawson’s Creek. We read it a couple times, and Spitfire Sarah reads as Pacey and also Joey! Chris reads as Joey in the Trap Zone, and John reads as Pacey.

Maya Maloff voice mail messages

We play some messages from our friend Maya Maloff. Maya used to call in to the show and tell us what was going on in her daily life. Sometimes she would sing songs that she wrote, sometimes she would just talk about her day. Check out our full interview with Maya Maloff right here: Maya Maloff Interview

Rich BarkerRich Barker

We haven’t talkd with Rich in a while, so we figured it was time to check in with ol’ Rich Barker, the main man from the Melody Inn’s Punk Rock Night in Indianapolis, and also the bassist from local punk rock legends Gay Black Republicans. Rich tells us about the sweet New Year’s Eve show he’s got lined up, and also a great ska funk punk show coming up at Punk Rock Night.

Rich Barker tells us some of his classic stories. This week he tells us the strangest place he’s ever seen someone take a pee. And we also get Rich’s opinion on Spitfire Sarah’s “Sneaky Leaky” that she does when she has to take a pee at a concert. And Rich tells us a story about someone puking in a mosh pit.

“Don’t puke & mosh, people!” – Rich Barker

Chris tells the story about someone jumping off his back in a mosh pit, and the story about getting gum thrown in his hair at a Common show.

Rich promises to tell us a fantastic Dead Kennedys story, but he’ll save that for another time.

Author David Allee and The Prophecy of Cheria

David Allee’s got the flu! But we check in with him anyway. We talk to David about flu shots, and also his new book and what it’s about. “This is a story I’ve had in my head for 42 years,” says David. Click on the image below to check out the book!

Prophecy of Cheria by David Allee

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